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Wisdom Mapping

Starting with an understanding by design approach, we begin with the end in mind and ask: what does success in life look like? What is most important? And then backward plan from there.

So we start with the question, how do we flourish? 

The resounding answer through the ages is clear: become wise. 

Our aim then becomes to define wisdom and create a mental model of its fundamental elements. A Wisdom System, if you will.

So Wisecraft aims to define wisdom as virtuous skill in living. Though a simple concept, it is anything but easy. We acquire wisdom through growing in character, or virtue, via its three fundamentals: practice, presence, and community.

Now we have arrived at a simple formula:

The Virtues x Fundamentals of Wisdom = growing in wisdom

Simply put, success looks like someone growing in wisdom across all its elements. 

Understanding this, we can then help the seeker of wisdom through a systematic process of reflection, asking: 

Where am I? 
How can I mature and grow? 
Where do I want to go?
Who do I want to become?
What am I missing?
What would those closest to me say?

Enter Wisdom mapping. The process of mapping out where you are, AKA your virtues and vices, and where you want to head: who you want to become.

We'll give you a kind of treasure map of how to find the gold for each virtue, helping you become the best version of yourself.